Monday, April 30, 2018

Hi my name is Madeline Murray, I originally took this class as an ACE requirement and did not expect to get much out of this class, however I was happily surprised. My absolute favorite part about this class was watching the Hornworm. I have never been a huge bug person, but the tobacco hornworm was a fascinating to watch and see it go through a complete metamorphosis.

I learned a lot about the different parts of insects which was really interesting because growing up I just assumed insects where one piece, but they actually are quite a bit more complicated than that. I also enjoyed the cockroach assignment but those still freaked me out a bit more than I would like to admit. I really liked that we got to take home these insects, because I feel the best way to learn is hands on. Looking at pictures and reading the textbook is helpful but in order to really understand things (at least in my brain) is to have hands on experience. I was unable to take the lab portion of this class this semester, so I am looking forward to taking it in the fall where I believe I will have continued hands on experience with the class material. I would really recommend this class to anyone that enjoys hands on interaction, or needs to take a science ACE. People who maybe aren’t as interested in the sciences might struggle in a class such as biology simply due to the complexity and mass volume of material required, while entomology is a learning class where you get to experience insects that you might encounter in everyday life and learn a little bit more about how they work in our ecosystem.

Taking entomology is a class that could really be enjoyable even if you aren’t the biggest fan of bugs (I know this because I don’t like bugs at all and I still really found this an enjoyable class).
My name is Jensyn Labadie and I'm a sophomore at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. I am a double major in English and journalism and I took this course to fulfill the ACE requirement I needed of science with a lab. I was a little nervous about this class at first because I'm not too fond of bugs, but it turned out to be pretty interesting and helped me appreciate all the little insects on Earth. I have learned a lot about bugs such as their scientific names, their mouthparts, their metamorphosis, etc.

I've never been a huge science person, so this class was perfect to fill my requirement because I actually learned something that was pretty interesting. My favorite part of the class was the tobacco hornworm assignment. Although my worm didn't grow very fast, it was still interesting to watch and see him develop even a little. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone needing a science with a lab.
Hi my name is Anna Schuett and I am a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I took this entomology course to fill an ace requirement. I am an elementary education major, so I chose this as my science class along with the lab. I can honestly say that I didn't realize all the aspects of insects that I could learn about. I can't look at the ground without seeing some type of bug and knowing part of their scientific name or even what kind of mouthpart it has. Also I have learned the functions of their body systems, and how it compares to humans.

I think that it is a unique course I wouldn't have gotten to experience any other time in my school career. My favorite assignment was working with the Tobacco Hornworm. It is still transforming from the pupa stage to the adult stage. I can't believe how far it has come. It used to be in a tiny vial and now I have it in a large tupperware container. This report was a really great learning experience because I took what I listened to in the course and applied it in my own life. I am able to see the full cycle of the insects life and that is my favorite part.
Hi my name is Elizabeth Mattern and I am a sophomore at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I am interested in campaign building, writing, motion design and graphic design which is why I am a student at the College of Journalism and Mass Communications with a declared Advertising and Public Relations major. With my major I was required to take a science class with a lab. I chose entomology because I grew up attending many outdoor camps as a kid and had always had an interest in bugs. My favorite project was the hornworm report. My hornworm was much more exciting than my cockroach. It was really interesting seeing the molting process. I have learned so much about different insects and how necessary they are for the environment. I liked learning about biotechnology. This was something I was unfamiliar with prior to this class and I reading different studies and lab reports on biotechnology really was interesting.

I found this class to be interesting and I have recommended it to a lot of my friends who are in need of a science with a lab!

Friday, April 27, 2018

My name is Amanda Kulwicki and I currently attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I am majoring in elementary education and special education with a minor in child, youth, and family studies. With my major I am required to take a science class with a lab. I chose to take entomology as my science class because it was something I was very unfamiliar with and was hoping to learn and take away something new from the class since I was very unknowledgeable on this specific area. My favorite project was the hissing cockroach report. Over the course of the semester, I have learned so much about different insects and how they function. It has been a very interesting class and taught me so many new things that I had no clue about when the semester had started! I am looking forward to continuing my entomology experience as I plan on taking the lab next semester.
Hi my name is Lexi Harbin and I am a freshman at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I am majoring in Elementary Education and took this course as one of my aces. I chose this course because it seemed more hands on than other courses. At first I did not think that I would enjoy it because I am kind of scared of bugs, but I ended up really enjoying it. Throughout this semester I was able to learn a lot about so many different types of bugs and become more educated on their habitats. I am for sure glad that I took this course because it helped me be more comfortable around bugs. I had a lot of fun and can use this to help me on a daily basis.
My name is William and my post will be about mosquitoes which I consider to be fascinating insects and probably my favorites.

There are around 3,500 species of mosquitoes, but just a couple hundred females only out of this number feast on human blood. Male mosquitoes make do just fine with plants, but females need a blood meal before they can lay eggs. The female’s saliva contains an anti-coagulant that lets her more easily suck up her meal. The saliva induces an allergic response from her victim’s immune system; that’s why your skin gets an itchy bump. We all know mosquitoes like to enjoy a couple of human blood cocktails, but did you know they can drink more blood than students can drink alcohol during freshman week? Studies have revealed that mosquitoes are able to drink 3 times their own body weight in blood. Now that’s a lot!

Ever wonder why these little creatures are so attracted to us? Well the reason is simple: Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide, lactic acid and octenol found in our breath and sweat, and they also sense the heat and humidity that surrounds our bodies. They may also have a preference for beer drinkers. The scientific community is divided on how these pests should be dealt with. Some scientists think that eliminating mosquitoes wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Others aren’t so sure, though, and worry about the effects on the ecosystem of the loss of an insect that is eaten by spiders, salamanders, frogs, fish and other insects. Nonetheless it remains that something drastic needs to be done as believe it or not these little insects remain by far the world’s deadliest animal.
Hi everyone! My name is Paige Ourada, and I am a junior here at UNL. I originally signed up for Insect Biology to get an ACE credit, but I really enjoyed parts of it. My favorite part had to be observing the Tobacco Hornworm. I found it so interesting to watch it hatch and grow. Plus, it was a little easier to look at than the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. After taking this class, I know a lot more about the insects that make up our ecosystem and why they are so important. I hope to use the knowledge I learned and apply to my everyday life.
Hi my name is Reagan Wooden. I have learned a lot while taking the Insect Biology course. At first I wasn't sure if I would really enjoy it much, but after taking the class this entire semester, it really is one of my most interesting classes. Probably because it is the class I had the least prior knowledge to, but also it really is such a cool thing to learn about. Not only just learning about them but actually getting a first hand view of certain insects that one doesn't get to see everyday, like the cockroach and the hornworm, which are both extremely fascinating insects. I would say that my favorite insect now is the hornworm. I had a lot of fun with that guy, they are extremely interesting creatures.
Hi my name is Rachael Weller. I am a freshman at the University of Nebraska Lincoln and I am majoring in communication studies. Entomology has been such a huge learning experience for me. Not knowing much about insects, it was so fascinating for me to not only expand my knowledge in them and how they function but also having the hands on experience of having to observe an insect.  Overall, it was such an interesting course that I ended up getting a lot more out of than I thought I would.
Hello everyone!

My name is Alana and I was born into the family beekeeping business.  My great grandfather started the business in Florida.  Eventually my grandfather took over and then my father took over.  I however went to college instead.  I grew up working honey bees and eating a lot of honey.  This probably why I went into biology.  Part of biology is entomology. I am not huge on bugs in general.  As long as they aren't on me then I am usually ok.  However, I have no issues walking into a honey bee yard with no bee suit or protection.

I know from experience that honey bees will leave you alone if you don't bother them. I took this entomology class in the hopes that if I learn more about other insects that I will be as comfortable with all insects as I am with honey bees.  And I can honestly say that I am getting more comfortable with them.  I hope that this will continue throughout the semester and in my home life.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Hi everyone!

My name is Olivia Appleget and I am a sophomore, soon to be junior, at UNL. My favorite part about this class so far has been researching genetically modified insects. I did not know much about biotechnology going into this course, and loved learning more about what it entails. In one of our assignments, we explored the pros and cons of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes. I did not realize that this topic was so controversial and thought provoking before taking this course and completing that assignment. I hope to continue to keep myself aware of biotechnological advancements, and the effect that they may have on my life!
      Hello! My name is Zachary Peters and I am on the Mens Gymnastics Team here at UNL! As of right now I am majoring in Psychology and trying to find something else to major in as well! I want to go to seminary after UNL so that I can be a Pastor. Honestly, for my major I needed to take a class that was a science class. Nevertheless, this class seemed way more enjoyable and creative than any other class that was available for me.

     Overall, I ended up learning more in this class than I thought I would've originally. The biggest thing that I will take away from this class is how much I now know about the different types of insects and their scientific names. It is just really cool for me to be able to know all these scientific names and not just what everyone else calls them. The biggest thing that I loved about this class was observing the Hornworms. I learned so much about them and how complicated their transformation process, compared to what I thought it was like before. I learned so much from this class, and would recommend ENTO115 to any UNL student. Very interesting and creative class to take and to be apart of!

My name is Elizabeth Rentfro and I am Sophomore at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln studying Journalism and English. Entomology was a very big learning experience for me and I am grateful for the hands on experience. I learned so much about the Tobacco Hornworm throughout this course
and it was so cool seeing it grow. I learned a lot about things I used to not think about everyday like genetically modified insects and the debate that is circulating around that topic currently. Overall it was a great class!
Hi my name is Jonathan Scripnick. I am a freshman here at UNL. I am on the University of Nebraska Men's Gymnastics team here as well. I am studying Business Management. A very fun part of this class was watching the Hornworm grow into a moth, it was really interesting to see all the stages of its life cycle.
My name is Natalie VanGerpen and I am currently a Sophomore here at UNL. I am majoring in Elementary Education and taking Entomology 115 as one of my science with a lab classes. I took this class because it seems way more interesting to me than Chemistry and I need to get over my fear of bugs. Through this class and the lab I can proudly say I don’t jump and run away from the site of bugs. I now try to figure out what classification the bug falls under. We are wrapping up the semester now but my favorite thing was taking home the cockroach. My roommates and I were both very skeptical about it being in our apartment but he grew on us big time and we still have him around!
My name is Mary Ann Morrison and I am a Communication major with an Enterprenuership minor and a Gerontology certificate. I want to work with elderly social work after school.

When I first started taking this class it was just for a science credit but as the class went along I have found a new appreciation for insects. I always use to say if I had three wishes one of them would be to get rid of all insects. Of course this is when I didn’t know anything about insects or the benefits that they bring to the world. So now I know longer wish to get rid of insects:)!
Hello my name is Griffin Kehler. I am a freshman at UNL and majoring in business management. I am also on the men's gymnastics team at Nebraska and apart of the US National Team. Gymnastics has been my entire life and it is the reason why I ended up at Nebraska.

I took this class to fulfill my ACE requirement but was very excited to take it because I have always been amazed by insects. I was always the kid who would collect lady bugs and go out catching lightning bugs and caterpillars. All the information I have learned has been mind blowing. I never knew how much detail went into the biology of insects and how similar they can be to humans. All of the interesting facts and concepts I will take away from this class are very interesting. Everyone usually is scared of insects and never really care about insects but the world of insects is so crazy that I regret not taking this class earlier. I would strongly recommend this class to other student if they want a fun and interesting class to take.

Monday, April 16, 2018


My name is Mackenzie and I am currently finishing up my junior year at UNL. My major is Human Development and Family Science with a minor in Sociology and Psychology. I took this course to fulfill my ACE requirement. I chose Entomology because I had taken Chemistry and Biology in the past and knew that it was nothing that I had any interest in. I knew nothing about Entomology before I started this course, and it has been pleasantly interesting!

When I was a little girl I loved playing outside in the dirt, I especially loved collecting "roly polys." I have been amazed throughout this entire semester with how much information I have learned. I did not know what to expect from the class, but I did not expect to know the physiology of an insect nor be able to classify the scientific name of a butterfly. I plan to work with children in the future and I think it would be great to implement this information into a curriculum. I have been overly pleased with this course and would recommend it to any UNL student looking for a science course.