Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Danica Meierhenry's Blog

Hi! My name is Danica Meierhenry and I am a sophomore here at UNL. I am majoring in Forensic Science with a double minor in Psychology and Chemistry. After the semester I will hopefully be adding on an Entomology major as well because it goes hand in hand with Forensic Science and throughout this course I have found it very interesting.

The reason why I chose to take Entomology initially is because it's a required course for Forensic Science (CSI), but I never knew how much I would actually enjoy it. This class has been my favorite class by far this semester, which ultimately led me to consider majoring in it as well. So far some of my favorite things I've done include, the hissing cockroach assignment and identifying different insects in lab. This class has been challenging, but I tend to study more and want to learn more about subjects that I enjoy.

In the future, what I want to do with my majors in Forensic Science and Entomology is be a crime scene investigator with a concentration in insect identification. I think it's amazing how much of an impact insects have on forensic science. Insects can ultimately solve a case and determine many different factors such as, where the body was located, how long it's been there, and more. I think having a background in both Forensics and Entomology will give me an advantage in the field I am trying to pursue.

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