Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hello everyone,

My name Is Iris Tabora, I am a sophomore, majoring in Elementary Education with an ELL endorsement. I am super excited to hopefully one day become a teacher so that is what I want to go into after I receive my degree from UNL. I honestly don’t know much about insects but I have always been interested in them. I remember as a child collecting lightening bugs with my siblings or when we had our classroom pet and we got to see a butterfly go through metamorphosis. At the time, it was the most fascinating thing, so that’s why I decided to take this class.

In my opinion insects are such a huge part of our environment and I think it’s interesting learning more about them. I had little/to no experience prior to taking this class but having a pet cockroach for several weeks as well as learning through the modules have definitely expand my knowledge. A particular area of entomology that interests is learning more about insects of the sea. It amazes me that they are similar to humans in certain ways, for example, they can go underwater but for only short periods of time. They have to swim back up to the surface in order to get area which is similar to what we as humans do. Im very excited to continue this class and to keep learning more interesting things about insects!

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